Which varnish to choose for your painting??
You wish to buy a painting on canvas and obtain a quality work that is protected for a long time? The choice of a varnish is thus a determining choice in the purchase of your painting! At Tableau Dépôt, we guide you in the choice of a varnish that will best suit your desires, your tastes and your painting!
What is the purpose of applying a varnish on canvas?
Varnishing is the last step in choosing or creating a painting on canvas. It takes the form of a transparent preparation consisting of resin (natural or synthetic) and a solvent (vegetable or mineral such as gasoline) that gives a fluid consistency to the varnish. It is thus applied in the very last stage before the completion of a work.
The application of a varnish on a canvas serves two purposes:
• To protect your painting on canvas from external elements
• Obtain a beautiful finish that will sublimate your artwork

Protect your canvas with a varnish
The main role of the varnish is to protect your canvas from external attacks such as humidity, smoke, dust, grease, shocks, etc... by insulating the surface. The varnish will create a relatively thick and waterproof layer that is resistant to all kinds of damage, a bit like a shield.

The application of a varnish not only protects your work from dirt (accumulation of dust on the paint), but also from excess temperature. Some varnishes also protect the canvas from ultraviolet rays; the painting exposed to the sun is then much better protected.
Varnish, an aesthetic aspect for your canvas
The varnish on your canvas painting will give a regular aspect to the surface of your painting. The varnish will contribute to intensify the hues and color saturation. It will also help to modify the appearance of the painting (gloss or matte)
The varnish acts on the colors to allow them to regain their brilliance and make the view of the painting more pleasing to the eye.
For the sake of aesthetics, you will choose which type of varnish suits you best:
Glossy varnish
The gloss varnish brings shine to your canvas. This varnish allows to saturate the colors of your painting, and respects the depth of the blacks. This is a new text block ready to welcome your content.
Matte Varnish
As opposed to the previous varnish, the matte varnish does not reflect much light. It brings a more sober and more discreet side. This varnish is very effective in rooms where the lighting conditions are difficult (when your painting is just in front of a window with sunlight for example).
Satin Varnish
Satin varnish is a compromise between glossy and matte varnish.
The choice between glossy, matt or satin is completely personal. However, a surface that is too glossy causes light reflections that can sometimes be disturbing for the observation of the work.
However, the matt/gloss effect is not due to the composition of the product but to the appearance of its surface, which will not reflect light in the same way.
Our suggestions
At Tableau Dépôt, we believe that adding a varnish to your paint if you wish to install your canvas in an open area: a kitchen, an outside entrance, a room with a high humidity level, a public place, a commercial space?
Although the choice of a varnish depends essentially on your tastes and desires, we strongly suggest that you choose a varnish not only to protect your canvas, but also to improve its aesthetics: a paying choice, but one that will delight you, your guests, your clients or your family!
With the purchase of a painting on canvas at Tableau Dépôt, we offer 3 types of varnish:
- Glossy varnish
- Matte Varnish
- Satin Varnish
Take the time to choose the varnish that will suit you best! And if you are not sure, contact us now and we will be happy to help you!